GMAC Practice Executive Assessment Review: An Expensive Proposition

The Executive Assessment is having a moment. While it was originally designed as an assessment tool for Executive MBAs, regular MBA programs are increasingly accepting it in lieu of the GMAT or the GRE.

This is unsurprising – it is in many ways a superior exam and a better test of the kinds of skills that are expected of MBAs.

The GMAC has long offered its own practice exams. We decided to evaluate the offering.

The Interface

The interface is…a perfect match to the interface that real-life test takers will see.


The GMAC designed both.

It is the gold standard for what the Executive Assessment interface should look like, because the makers of the exam decide what the gold standard should be.

Interface Score: 10/10.

The Quality of the Questions

Once again, the quality of the questions is…flawless. Because the makers of the exam decide what is and isn’t an appropriate Executive Assessment question.

If you want to find realistic EA questions the best place to go is…to the makers of the questions.

Quality of Questions Score: 10/10.

The Answer Explanations

The perfection begins to crack when it comes to answer explanations.

…because there aren’t any. The GMAC would be very well positioned to explain to test-takers to explain why something is the right answer. But they refuse to do so. All they tell you is if the answer is right or wrong.


This is highly perplexing…especially give how expensive the exams are (more on this later). What, exactly, is the GMAC selling? Just some questions in an appropriate format? They have a monopoly on both so it feels like a manipulative money-grab on their part. The very least they could do is give people guidance on how they can improve their exam performance. What else is the purpose of a practice assessment?

Answer Explanations: 0/10.

The Pricing

The exams cost a shocking $35 each, and test-takers are required to purchase at least two. This is more than what the GMAC charges for practice GMAT exams.

What’s more there isn’t even an option for a free practice exam so that test-takers can try out the interface.

This is…perplexing to say the least. One would imagine that offering at least one free practice exam (the GMAC offers two free ones for the GMAT) would actually increase demand for the exam because test-takers would see how much better the exam is than its alternatives.

We’ll give them a point for not requiring a kidney, but the exams are expensive – especially given the lack of answer explanations.

Pricing: 1/10

Overall Comments

These exams have the potential to be so great! With a free practice assessment and comprehensive answer explanations, the GMAC could be the gold standard for practice EAs. Yet they choose not to do so, and instead coast on the monopoly they hold over being the ones that administer the exam.

We’ll give them points because something is better than nothing, and while the practice assessments are pricy, they’re a good way to get exposure to the EA interface. But we’d expect a lot more from the GMAC.

Overall Score: 6/10


GMAC Practice Executive Assessment Review:

Interface: 10/10

Question Quality: 10/10

Answer Explanations: 0/10

Pricing: 1/10

Overall: 6/10

Final Score: 27/50

Verdict: A missed opportunity to create something useful.

Check out how the GMAC compares with other practice Executive Assessment providers here.